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Consumers are looking for more than a like or a comment when engaging with their favorite brands. They want to feel like they know you and are supported by you. Successful brands look to meet their consumers where they already are. Whether it’s commenting back and engaging on social media, providing them with educational and inspiring content, or being a guest on their favorite podcast, they want to see it all. 

When working with our clients, we implement different strategies to build their community and consumer fan base. We identify every aspect of the business to incorporate meaningful ways to shift the narrative. Our attention to detail and knowledge of our client’s brand and the industry are unrivaled. We know you’re at the edge of your seat, let’s get to it. 

Here are some ideas on how to increase your visibility to your target consumer:

  • Podcasts: Statistics show that over 50% of podcast listeners are either somewhat or much more likely to consider buying from a brand after hearing its advertisement on a podcast.* When looking at which podcast you want to advertise or interview with, it’s important to seek out opportunities that align with your values, demographic, and budget. Podcasts are a great way to bring the personality of your brand to your audience. 
  • Education: The biggest question we are asked is what type of content should brands be producing and posting on social media. When looking at your content, you want to ensure there is always an education aspect to it. Consumers are 131% more likely to buy from a brand immediately after they are given educational content. By educating your consumers, you build trust and credibility. 
  • Customer Service: Now, it’s more than just liking and responding to your consumers. Your fans are looking to be a part of your community and want to feel that love from you. 61% of consumers said engagement with the audience is the most important characteristic followed by transparency and strong customer service.*** This is the time for brands to seize the opportunity to create a sense of community among their followers and really understand their audience better. 

Our job is to work with you to connect with your consumers and audience in the most authentic and effective way possible. We’ve put the time and effort into mastering the skills on behalf of our clients. We know how much time and effort it takes to build your community, which is why we carefully curate the most effective engagement plan for you. So, where do you begin? (Emailing us is a good start). 

*eMarketer, 2019

**Conductor, 2018

***Marketing Dive, 2020

Photo By: Brock Wegner

Spirited Takes

February 22, 2022

Building Brand Communities: Strategies for Consumer Engagement